Why consumption of Sugar is not good for health

Sugar is the main ingredient used to make multiple dishes. This is especially used to make sweets. Consumption of sugar is very harmful for health as it gives birth to many problems. Consumption of sugar is a major cause of obesity and many chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Sugar is sweet in nature so every person even children like to eat sugar. Excess of everything is bad but excess of sugar is very bad. If you want healthy life then you should consume less sugar.

Disadvantages of consumption of more sugar:

Weight gain

Eatables which are sugar-sweetened are loaded with fructose, which is a type of simple sugar. When you consume fructose then it increases your hunger and desire for food more than glucose, the main type of sugar found in starchy foods. When hunger increases automatically you eat more. According to the research people who drink more sugary beverages such as juice and soda gain more weight as compare to who don’t drink. More consumption of sugar sweetened beverages increased the amount of visceral fat a kind of deep belly fat.

Increase diabetes

Diabetes is the major problem now these days. There is a clear link between excessive sugar consumption and diabetes risk. Obesity causes due to the too much consumption of sugar. People who consumed more sugar sweetened juice have more diabetes problem. High sugar consumption drives resistance to insulim a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood level.

Affect on immune system

More sugar consumption increases the glucose level in body which causes these organisms to build up and cause infections. It directly affects our immune system.


As we know that healthy diet helps to improve our mood. But a diet which is high in sugar and processes foods may increase your chances of developing depression. In one study 69,000 women demonstrated that with the highest intake of added sugars had a greater risk of depression as compare to the lowest intake people.

 Increase cellular aging

High consumption of sugar also leads to aging. Telomeres are structures found at the end of chromosomes, which are molecules that hold part or all of your genetic information. These telomeres act as protective caps, preventing chromosomes from deteriorating or fusing together. As we grow older telomeres naturally shorten which causes cells to age and malfunction. Shortening of telomeres is a normal part of aging.

Reduce energy

Foods which are high in added sugar quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increased energy. This rise in energy level is fleeting. Products which contain less protein and fiber and loaded with sugar lead to a brief energy boost that is followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar. For boosting our energy we should choose products which are high in fiber and have low sugar level. To sustain energy level you can eat handful of almonds with apple.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is the most happening problem now these days. More consumption of sugar causes tooth decay. When we eat something sweet then it sits on our teeth and causes tooth decay more efficiently than any other food. That is why it is important to brush our teeth at least twice a day to stop sugars from fueling plaque and bacteria.

Deficiency of important nutrients

According to the studies it has been found that people who consume more sugar sweetened things they have deficiency of important nutrients like vitamins A, C, B-12 and calcium. This deficiency of vitamins in body cause many diseases in body. It is very important to getting educated about how to find added sugars. So one should consume nutrient food instead of sugar and processed foods.

Heart attack

The reason of number of deaths today is heart attack which causes due to consumption of more sugar. High sugar diets lead to obesity, inflammation and high triglyceride, blood sugar and blood pressure these all problems cause heart diseases. Chronic infections that result from dental problems play a role in the development of heart disease.

Linked to acne

Consumption of more sugar gives birth to acne problem also.  High glycemic index, such as processed sweets raise our blood sugar more rapidly than foods with a lower glycemic index. High sugary foods quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, causing increased androgen secretion and inflammation, which develops acne problem. In a study it has been observed that low glycemic diets are associated with a reduced acne risk and high glycemic diets are associated with to a greater risk of acne problem.

Risk of cancer

Consumption of excessive amounts of sugar increases the risk of developing certain cancers. As we know that a diet which is rich in sugary component lead to obesity raises your risk of cancer. High sugar diet increase inflammation in your body and may cause insulin resistance both of which increase cancer risk. One study shows that women who consumed sweet buns and cookies more than three times per week were 1.42 times more likely to develop endometrial cancer than women who consumed these foods less than 0.5 times per week.

Fatty liver disease

Diet which is high in sugar components can exacerbate fatty liver disease. Due to the high consumption of sugar there is a spike in insulin caused by sugar also drives fat into the liver cells, which causing inflammation and scarring. This syndrome is a major risk factor for diabetes, heart attacks and even cancer. Glucose and other types of sugar which are taken up by many cells throughout the body, fructose is almost exclusively broken down by the liver. Liver can store only required glycogen and excess amounts are turned into fat. High amount of added sugar in the form of fructose overload your liver leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.




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