Exam stress is the common problem of all students. Everyone has the fear of exams. No matter how much preparation you have made he or she will undergo more or less stress of exam. Every student has the fear of getting less marks and failing the exam. According to the observation student who have made good preparation throughout the year have less exam stress on the other side students who have not make the preparation properly by wasting time throughout the academic session face severe exam stress. In this article I will share with you some tips to overcome exam stress. If you apply the tips, you will become calmer, happier and more successful student.
Let’s get started:
Reduce your usage of phone
Many research shows that overuse of mobile phones not only cause stress but also have a negative impact on your mental health. During exams check your social media feeds once or twice a day. Turn off all notifications on your phone and put your phone on airplane mode either you can switch off your phone after 9pm. So it is better to reduce mobile phone usage during exams.
Think about a happy memory
When you have stress of exams to overcome from that you can think of your happy memory from your childhood or about something you did as a family recently that was fun. According to research chemical creates a sense of well-being and helps your brain to function at highest capacity.
Sing out
Researcher have discovered that singing soothe your tension. This reduces the effect of stress. According to the studies when you sing you release endorphins, which are associated with feelings of pleasure. And the more you sing the more you stress got decrease because it lowers your level of cortisol. So if you want to beat exam stress sing your heart out when you’re taking a break.
Write down the things you are worried about
Before exam write down the things you are worried about according to studies it reduce your stress and anxiety and improve your grades.
Listen calming music
As we mentioned singing reduce your stress in the same way listening slow, soothing classical music helps to reduce stress. Music has a comforting power which makes music an effective stress management tool. Music listening has a relaxing effect on our minds and bodies which slowing our pulse, lowering our blood pressure and decreasing our level of stress hormones.
Get proper sleep
According to the studies enough sleep reduces stress. So during exams it is very mandatory to take sound sleep. Before sleeping put your phone out of your bedroom, try to get to sleep and wake up at the same time. Try to keep your sleep schedule as regular as possible.
Be kind to yourself
Self-compassion helps to reduce your stress level and improve your sense of well-being. Speak to yourself as if you’re your own best friend. Being serious all the time increase stress, so to release it do some fun activity every day. There is one more way to release stress that at the end of each day write down 3 of your achievements.
Do exercise regularly
High-intensity aerobic exercise has positive effects on well-being. Do some form of exercise daily like biking, jogging, walking. Try to find exercise buddy it will helps to do exercise on daily basis.
Short walk
Take a short walk daily also helps to reduce stress of exams. Because walking gives you time to think. If you are going for a walk with your family or friends for 10 – 20 minutes then this is the best way to overcome from stress.
Drink tea
A study has found that black tea has health benefits related to stress relief. Enjoy a soothing cup of tea every day will help you to prepare more effectively for your exams.
Eat dark chocolate
This is a wonderful news for chocolate lovers. Studies have found that eating a small amount of dark chocolate every day reduces stress hormone levels. But it is mandatory that chocolate must be dark with 70% or more cocoa. It is a calorie-dense food so does not eat more than 40g to 60g a day.
Apply time management techniques
Students who have managed their time properly have lower stress. Effective time management is getting enough rest and a good night’s sleep, which makes you more energetic and able to focus on study. You must take break after studying for 40 to 50 minutes. Complete your assignments at least one to two days before they’re due.
Don’t multitask
Multitasking is bad for your health. It increases the heart rate and blood pressure and causes stress. Doing several tasks at once seems like an efficient use of your time but in actual it wastes your time and reduces the quality of your work.
Clear your room and desk
“A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind”. This is also the reason of stress. The more clutter you have around your workspace the less you are able to concentrate on preparing for the exam. Because your brain is being bombarded so many distractions. Physical clutter overloads your brain and impairs your ability to think which leads to stress.
Get enough vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to reduce blood pressure and cortisol, which are both signs of stress. Our body doesn’t produce vitamin C, so it’s vital that you consume plenty of it in your diet. Guava, orange, broccoli, tomato, kale, kiwifruit, capsicum, papaya contains vitamin C.